author Igor



  • Pelvic varices are a common occurrence in women, especially after childbirth. It may not appear at all or be accompanied by severe pain, heaviness in the pelvis, blood clot formation and other problems.
    28 December 2023
  • Folk and pharmacy folk remedies for the treatment of varicose veins. Modern methods of combating pathology: sclerotherapy, laser treatment, hirudotherapy, surgery.
    20 December 2023
  • What is varicose veins, what are the symptoms of the disease? Find out which varicose vein treatments are most effective for varicose veins.
    28 May 2022
  • Recommended and forbidden types of physical activity for varicose veins. A set of exercises to improve venous blood circulation.
    28 May 2022
  • Modern types of surgeries for removal of veins of the lower extremities affected by varicose veins. Indications and contraindications for surgery for varicose veins, possible consequences. Preparation for surgery and rehabilitation period. Forecasts by experts.
    27 May 2022
  • Treatment of varicose veins on the legs with folk remedies: ointments based on cabbage, clay and Kalanchoe, tinctures, oils, tomato compresses, decoction of chamomile and larch bark, potatoes, juices, ginger, viburnum, lemon, honey and beeswax, apple cider vinegar, fish oil, salt, soda, soap. Cooking recipes.
    27 May 2022